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from Italy!

©​ 2021 Marco Nicoletti​ P. IVA: 01398460772

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Your lessons directly from Italy



Italiano with Marco - 2021 

P. IVA 01398460772 

Ehi, benvenuto

io sono Marco!

Marco writing something

I am an Italian language teacher who assists adults and businessmen to achieve their linguistic goals.  I believe that learning new languages, or simply increasing one's capacity in an already spoken language, are not just fun, but they also inspire creativity and imagination.  


After graduating from the University of Pisa with a BA in Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Literature, I combined my passion for languages with an effective method that introduces students to the joy of languages.​


Since 2014, I have been focussing on coaching individuals on learning the Italian language.  My clients and students come from all over the world - North America, South America, Asia and Europe. ​







I teach Italian to language enthusiasts through practical strategies, like notion reiteration and empathic listening.


When I was a child, I thought I would have become an explorer. I wanted the others to see me as a culture and language discoverer, since that was, and still is, my true inclination. 


I spend most of my time communicating with people of all nationalities: I teach them the Italian language and culture, while they give me other very precious information about their cultures and languages. 

My life is a never-ending journey!

Today I'm here to help you with your Italian and guide you towards linguistic fluency in 6 months


Are you ready? Below, you will find some reviews I received from my students.

Recensione lezioni 1Recensione lezioni 2Recensione lezioni 3Recensione lezioni 4Recensione lezioni 5Recensione lezioni 6Recensione lezioni 7




Every student I have had, now speaks Italian.

Be the next one!

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